Where do all the calculators go?

Random musings from a grunt.

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Location: Australia

I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Monday, October 09, 2006

First post ever


I've never made a blog before, so here goes. I'm pretty much here to let out the strange and irrelevant thoughts that for some reason keep me up at night. That includes any little observations I make throughout the day, things I think are downright marvellous, and pet peeves like people who drive at 50kph or less everywhere they go.

So I'll tell you a bit about me, which you'll probably also see in my profile later, when I work out how to make it. :) I'm 26, female and a complete iced coffee addict. Looking at my online nickname, you might be wondering what the hell a shillelagh is. It's a cudgel, or club - you know, to hit stuff with. I saw this little 5 minute cartoon where a critter called The Great Shillelagh chased all the snakes out of Ireland. I became obsessed with the word, and thus The Mad Shillelagh was born. Other than that, well, you'll just have to read my musings if you want to know stuff about me.

Now, here's a note on e-mailing me: go right ahead. Don't send me abusive stuff, 'cos I won't read it. If it seems a bit weird that my address is 'twohourlongregistration' you have to understand that even the most unlikely of addresses seem to be taken and I got mad. Still, easier to spell than 'shillelagh' isn't it? :P

I can't promise regular postings on here - I'm a bit of an inconsistent Internet user. If you're nuts about Mad Shillelagh musings, I'll ask you to be a bit patient. If not, well, you probably won't visit my blog, so it doesn't really matter.


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