Where do all the calculators go?

Random musings from a grunt.

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Location: Australia

I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Feeling appreciated

Figured it was probably time for a half sensible post. My apologies to Mad Shillelagh addicts that haven't seen much new or thoughtful stuff lately. Uni's been pretty full on, being the end of year and all, so I'm not deliberately ignoring you, my dear neglectereenos! (It's not a real word, so don't quibble with my spelling!)

I just thought I'd say thanks to those of you who have taken the time to make a comment or e-mail me (all the more so to the friends I've made as a result of it). Your feedback tells me that I am, in fact, reaching people and giving them food for thought and a bit of a giggle, which is largely why I set up the blog... well, that and to vent my own frustrations and appalling humour.

The last comment posted (much obliged, whoever you are) was both kind and candid. However egomaniacal I am, I can still muster the humility to say thank you for giving me your feedback and such unabashed praise. :) It's little things like that that make my day and remind me that I am indeed right about how awesome I am! (Don't worry, it's the shared ego thing - I think you guys are awesome, too!) Seriously, though, I really do value your comments and it's great to know I'm appreciated.

That said, feel free to continue reading and throwing in your opinions. I believe a blog should be an interactive experience and I'm willing to take on board any suggestions you give me (which is how the travel blog and various comments about stolen cheese made it to Where do all the calculators go?). And, of course, don't be scared to e-mail me. Can never have too many friends, you know. You can all bask in my shared ego. Bwahaha!


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