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Random musings from a grunt.

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Location: Australia

I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Men, glorious men

Now I'm sure not everyone will agree with me. Men will, I don't doubt. Here's what's been on my mind, today: men are marvellous creatures. Some are smart, some aren't; most are entirely unsubtle; a lot of them are goofy, whether or not they mean to be. It's fun to be around.

Now, I'm not just thinking of the standard, physical interest a woman might have in men. Certainly, this is a joy, but there's more. I'm one of those women that has more male friends than female ones. Hopefully, they don't all think I want to shag them - having a boyfriend, I'm obliged to keep any roving of my eyes to celebrities I can't get at. :D

I just think the average male of the species, in all his lack of subtlety, is a crap liar and uninterested in playing soap opera games. There's no subterfuge because he's jealous you're also friends with someone else. There's no extensive clothes shopping. There's the matter of exessive interest in cars (I like 'em, but I don't live for 'em) and suchlike, but the smarter guys are great to talk to and for the most part I understand them.

I suppose it seems funny, being a woman, that I should say all this. I do have female friends and I enjoy their company - but these women are independent and just a little bit mannish. I don't really understand my own gender. Why do other women cake their faces in stuff that will make their skin horrid and in need of other products to 'fix' it? Why do they wear shoes that make their feet want to jump off and run away? Why do they junk up their hands with handbags when they can have handy-dandy pockets? Why don't they save a hundred bucks and change their own oil and spark plugs? (Yeah, that goes for you metrosexual guys, as well!) I won't say it wouldn't be nice to have decent nails, but maintaining them stops you doing stuff like living life and putting your car back together.

Maybe these musings aren't accomplishing anything, but I think for all the stuff there is to make women feel better about their crappy self-esteem, someone should tell men they're appreciated. Men of the world, thank you for existing.

A little something to amuse.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting observations. If only all of those 'girly'magazines would publish this kind of opinion. It's probably a little naive of me to expect the media to look out for the best interests of it's readers. Keep it up, will be reading with interest.

8:45 pm  

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