Where do all the calculators go?

Random musings from a grunt.

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Location: Australia

I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Driver's arm

Uni is finally finished! What that means is I'm slowly finding out I'm a human being again, and not a human doing. It also means that over time I will be getting a little bit less nocturnal. It's already beginning. The effect of this is drivers arm... that is, I'm driving a little bit in the day time instead of just in the wee small hours, procrastinating instead of working on my assignments. As the weather gets warmer, I tend to hang my right arm out the car window, and it's developing a profoundly deeper tan than can be found on any other part of my body. One of the joys of summer. The other is the obscene number of presents I have to buy.

My 2nd anniversary with my man is today. Yay for me! (I won't describe the celebration for you - anyone who's read this blog knows what this horny bugger will be up to!) Not long after that is my birthday, my brother's birthday, my mum's baptism anniversary (which she regards as far more important than her birthday), then Christmas, then my man's birthday, and my nephew's birthday. Aaargh! All the extra work this grunt gets with the silly season won't see me any better off, financially. Oh well, at least it'll make the debt smaller (*sigh*). I need an iced coffee. With alcohol in it... I believe that's Bailey's. Sounds good!


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