Where do all the calculators go?

Random musings from a grunt.

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Location: Australia

I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

More buggered than ever

Wow. Uni's done, and I feel like I've had no kind of break at all. It's the silly season, so I expect more work, but it's been pretty full on even considering I'm in retail. I think my boss and various managers beneath him are opportunists. It's like the minute they know you don't have somewhere else to be, you're obliged to live at work (mayhap they don't want me to have enough remaining energy to go looking for a proper job, now I'm finished Honours). Not that I mind the money - kind of need the extra dollars at this time of year. Guess I just need to vent because I'm so bloody tired.

I imagine some of my readers know what it's like to do goofy shifts. By this, I mean those shifts that can start anywhere from 9am to midnight on any given day of the week. I'm teetering on this weird line between appreciating having the extra work and money, and going postal at work because I can't get a decent sleep. Methinks they don't appreciate just how hard it is to sleep when you have no routine happening. The body gets used to sleeping either at night or in the day time - and it doesn't quickly adjust to changes between the two. I've found that getting sleep wherever I've got a bit of time just doesn't work. The effects go beyond CBF (Can't Be F***ed... you'll find more on that syndrome from the perspective of a glorified check-out chick - and a bunch of other cool stuff - if you click the link at the top of this post).

Now I'm done cracking a wobbly, I'll tell you my good news. A book I did some editing for is finally getting published. Added to this (as doesn't always happen for we humble editors), I and my colleagues actually get credit for it. How good's that? If I wasn't so f***ing tired, I'd be swinging from the light fittings in my enthusiasm... assuming they could support my weight in the first place... Well, yay for me!


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