Where do all the calculators go?

Random musings from a grunt.

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Location: Australia

I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Touching base

Not a whole lot to report at the moment. Feel free to throw any more issues/ideas my way to help me kickstart the creative process again. I've been wasting away my time on MySpace lately. I'm a bit obsessed with music at the moment, and I must say, if you want to find new music or pages for bands you already know about, MySpace is a good spot for it. Yeah, most of you computer geeks probably already know about it, but this technological dinosaur is still catching up, mkay.

So here's some of the marvellous music I've been listening to: Incubus (long time favourite); Josh Pyke (Aussie artist you might've heard on JJJ - awesome acoustic stuff, beautiful lyrics - do have a listen); Panic! at the Disco (a bit more mainstream than most of what I listen to, but again, great lyrics); The Last Dying Fire (another Aussie artist - screaming type, if you like it - great sound... also indie side-project band Our Silent Diary) and too many more to mention. Look up The Mad Shillelagh on MySpace if you wanna check out all the sweet bands on my friends list. It's worth it, I promise. :)

Yup, I know I'm making with shameless plugs here, but after the stuff like Tina Arena and Human Nature have been done to death and have given Australian music a bad name, I honestly believe GOOD Australian music deserves to be promoted. Aussies, get behind the great artists of your country - our entertainment industry has too little support for you not to!


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