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Random musings from a grunt.

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I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Talk of a lunar outpost

Ask and ye shall receive. Well, sort of. I've had a request to be a bit more observant of the news, and here it is. Frankly, domestic politics give me the shits and, owing to the depression factor and the sheer uselessness of voting and whatnot, I'm not inclined to pay them much mind. Labor's in a mess, and the Liberal party will go on f***ing up our good nation for as long as it pleases, methinks. Oh, wait, that was a rant about domestic politics...

Now, on to something more interesting. A) George W is saying he wants NASA to put people on the moon. Not just for a jiffy, but for the creation of an outpost. At least, that's the hint the article I read gave (above link will take you there, assuming the gremlins haven't screwed that up, like my e-mail link). B) There's been talk of water on Mars. Exciting stuff, eh? As they say, where there's water, there may just be life. No immediate plans to go to Mars that I can discern, though.

Of course, any lunar activity will take a while to get up and running. Current estimate of reaching the moon is 2020. I have to wonder how people got there in the first place, if it takes so much kerfuffle... Which brings me to the point that I'm growing more and more sceptical about the original lunar landing. Did it even take place? For that matter, why give us such shoddy footage when even back then there was much better technology for capturing images and sound? Could it be that shoddy footage hides bullshit better than something done properly? File that under things that make you say 'hmm'.

So, will people actually get on the moon, in 2020? If they do, what will the outpost mean for the human race? The first step toward shaking out terrestrial bonds, mayhap. One might be less inclined to fight over a little patch of land if the rest of the solar system starts being opened up to us. But wait. These things take such a terribly long time. Probably not because they need to, but because a few tight-fisted gimboids control the world and these things take lots and lots of money that the masses must scrape and beg and kiss arse to get hold of. Including NASA. And of course, space exploration is one of those things that people either embrace or drop at a whim, so funding gets granted, then taken away, then granted again, then taken away, and whatever plans exist go to hell because the fluctuating funding screws up the deadline and people get shirty when you don't meet their deadlines, thus there goes the funding again. Or something like that. Oh, how we need something more worthy than dollars to live for... I've digressed, haven't I?

Well, the point is, I'm all for space exploration. It could do all kinds of good for humanity - especially if the process could be accelerated a bit. Unfortunately, I'm not convinced we've put people on the moon, or that it'll happen according to plan (if at all) this time. It'd be great, and it'd also be great if there was life on Mars (of any kind).

As the poster says I want to believe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, just thought id give u a tip re: your email link. try this : Email Me

told you, im just too nice. ;)

5:48 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

doh that didnt work, email me and ill send you the text coding.

5:49 am  

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