Where do all the calculators go?

Random musings from a grunt.

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Location: Australia

I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

One tired git

Anyone who knows my 360 blog will be bored because this is there, too. If not, read the copied, pasted and vaguely edited bits beyond:

I haven't slept a wink all night. Felt like driving after work, so roped my brother into coming with me (he was just about asleep when I messaged him), then wound up chatting with Mumsie until about 5am. Didn't seem much point sleeping, since I had things to do (some of which I've done, and others I should be doing now). Figured if I doze off now, business hours will be well beyond reach when I finally wake. Better to have a nap after I finish the crap I have to do.

Meanwhile, I'm feeling vaguely philosophical. Those of you who know me know that's just how I am when I'm tired. Owing partly to recent experience, and partly to some pertinent questions posed by a friend, I've been thinking a lot about friendship.

I'm one of those rare all-rounders who gets along with pretty much anyone. I try not to define myself by trying to fit into the 'in' crowd, and nor will I define myself by specifically rejecting same. In so doing, I have a few bits in common with the popular kids, and I suspect a good deal more with various kinds of misfits. Mostly nerds, but also bogans and various other socially awkward non-classifieds, as it were.

So where am I going with all this crap? I'm making the point that I have more acquaintances and e-friends that I can poke a stick at. Though why I'd feel the need to poke a stick at them, I've yet to determine. Perchance just because I can. (*pokes stick*) Hm, lost track for a sec...

Well, in essence, I don't know exactly where I'm going. I guess I'm pondering the value in all human communication. Every person we interact with can offer us something worthwhile, even if we share a smile passing each other in the supermarket, and never actually speak. Or even if we just answer each other's silly questions on Yahoo Answers. :P

Then there's the inner circle (including a few e-friends). I won't presume to suggest that brief exchanges can't be profound - indeed they can. But I want to acknowledge the beauty in those people who have come into my life, who have come to know and accept the, uh, more challenging aspects of my personality, and who have not departed or kept me at arm's length (for an open person, I guess I do the arm's length thing pretty well, myself).

Recent experience and the reflections of others have reminded me that I'm seen very differently by different people. I've been called a robot by one chap I often speak to, for my apparent lack of emotion, as he sees it. By others I've been told I'm intelligent and funny (get this - some even say I'm sexy - bwahaha!). Another has grudgingly admitted that he values my tendency to push my boundaries with him... apparently I've made him stronger. :) Yeah, well, my inner circle is small, because I'm probably all those things or none, at any given time. I'm complex. I value those amazing few who have taken me as I am. Thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shan! I found my way to your little corner here^^. I just want to say friends (e-friends or not) come to our life in unexpected ways and I, for example, have met some for keeps. It's a wild world out there and the best I have learned is to be happy in how or what I am no matter how deviant or eccentric I could be.

Keep smiling!


12:11 pm  

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