Where do all the calculators go?

Random musings from a grunt.

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Location: Australia

I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Peace be with you, Maes

Spoiler alert! If you haven't seen too far into the series, this may not be the post for you to read.

As someone who absolutely loves Fullmetal Alchemist, I dragged my heels watching through the series just because I didn't want it to be over. Sure there were some crazy-arse plot twists, but the beauty of the series was the human element. They didn't run with the black and white view of good vs evil. Even most of the bad guys had motives that, once known, made you sympathise with the characters.

A lot of people died in the series, and though you start to get used to it after a while, there are just a couple that you can't let go of. For me, the main one is Maes Hughes. He was funny, kind, more than competent as an officer, and a genuinely loving family man (in the extreme). I enjoyed seeing a touch of softness stuffed into the misery of the military, and I stubbornly hold him as my favourite character even now. That said, I surprised myself by mourning Lust when she died, as well.

In any case, this is my tribute to Maes, a few cute pics I wandered off with from http://www.deviantart.com/:


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