Where do all the calculators go?

Random musings from a grunt.

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Location: Australia

I'm a miscellaneous weirdo trying to connect with fellow weirdos. Feel free to throw in your two cents. Even argue with me if you like, but make it good - or at least funny.

Monday, November 17, 2008

These are the parts we throw away

Is it just me, or is anyone else freaked out by the way products are advertised these days? I don't just mean the abominable spelling (which makes me want to take to all their shit with a big fat red pen). What I refer to is the way products are sold now on the basis of what they do *not* contain. Less fat, less sugar, less salt, gluten free, etc. What each of these means, respectively, is this:

Less fat = 80% sugar (which shall be conveniently converted to fat by your own body)

Less sugar = contains phenylalynine or however you spell it (which happens to be a carcinogen, and as a fringe benefit, is likely to give you the trots if you have too much of it)

Less salt = probably a bunch of msg (which can cause headaches, dizziness and various other unpleasant side effects)

Gluten free = contains mostly starch and very little actual food (gluten free items are often also egg free, milk free, yeast free, etc. as though being allergic to gluten makes you intollerant to any and all things humans are meant to consume)

Frankly, though it's nice to know something has no added sugar (like my fruit juice - it's horrible sweetened), I'm a bit more concerned with what *is* in the product. I've heard tell in recent times of a plan to put fluride in bottled water. For crap's sake, don't we drink bottled water to avoid consuming the poisonous additives they stick in our tap water? Next they'll bloody chlorinate it and you could happily (and hygenically) fill a swimming pool with your Picadilly. And to be sure, they'll have a dripper system to add the shit to your gutters and make unadulterated rain water unavailable too.

[end rant]

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